Cyber Security Alert -are you really secure...??

In today's lifestyle, we are surrounded by the tech environment. In this environment, we go through many webpages, applications and many other unauthorized websites. In this scenario, we really don't know that on which of this are spying by the malicious hacker or itself community. So, we need to secure our personal information and data ourself.


         Essential Cybersecurity measures

The following processes and tools are fairly easy to introduce.  Combined, these will give you basic level security against the most common IT risks.

Use strong passwords

Strong passwords are vital to good online security. Make your password difficult to guess by:

  • using a combination of capital and lower-case letters, numbers and symbols
  • making it between eight and 12 characters long
  • avoiding the use of personal data
  • changing it regularly
  • never using it for multiple accounts
  • using two-factor authentication

Control access

Make sure that individuals can only access data and services for which they are authorised. For example, you can:

  • control physical access to premises and computers network
  • restrict access to unauthorised users
  • limit access to data or services through application controls
  • restrict what can be copied from the system and saved to storage devices
  • limit sending and receiving of certain types of email attachments

Modern operating systems and network software will help you to achieve most of this, but you will need to manage the registration of users and user authentication systems - eg passwords.

Put up a firewall

Firewalls are effectively gatekeepers between your computer and the internet, and one of the
major barriers to prevent the spread of cyber threats such as viruses and malware. Make sure that you set up your firewall devices properly or they may not be fully effective.

Use security software

You should use security software, such as anti-spyware, anti-malware and anti-virus programs, to help detect and remove malicious code if it slips into your network.

Update programs and systems regularly

Updates contain vital security upgrades that help protect against known bugs and vulnerabilities. Make sure that you keep your software and devices up-to-date to avoid falling prey to criminals.

Monitor for intrusion

You can use intrusion detectors to monitor system and unusual network activity. If a detection system suspects a potential security breach, it can generate an alarm, such as an email alert, based upon the type of activity it has identified.

The National Cyber Security Centre provides detailed guidance to help businesses protect themselves in cyberspace.

For more Click here! ............

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